Men's Wear Monday" Flower Guy"

Happy Men's Wear Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. Now back to business "Yes, Ties again!" Not just your average solid colors, or polka dots and the traditional paisley ties. Let open our minds to Floral print Ties! "Come on guys you can wear floral print! I know we just met but I know you are man enough to wear a floral print here and there every now and then right ? Let's just say I'm right! One because I love menswear and two because I always want you to look your best. Floral ties are a great option to add a little newness or swag to your wardrobe. I will admit floral prints are not for every man , but you are not every man . Floral Ties are not so much a new trend, its commonly seen wore by groomsmen in a wedding party. But forget the Wedding Party. What about to work, on a date, or with jeans? You know at any event you will probably be the only one with a Floral Tie,so try it out and see what kind...